Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: AFS News

Week 2 is Buying Basics

It’s Financial Literacy Month! All month long we will be updating you with different topics to focus on, all on getting back to basics. Advocis has a wealth of information on each topic that we hope you’ll enjoy! Week two is Buying Basics: A wide variety of information on how to make smarter purchases –… Read more »

Week 1 is Money Basics

It’s Financial Literacy Month! All month long we will be updating you with different topics to focus on, all on getting back to basics. Advocis has a wealth of information on each topic that we hope you’ll enjoy! Week one is Money Basics: The fundamentals of how to be smarter with your money, including information… Read more »

November is Financial Literacy Month

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Financial Literacy Month. It is also a challenging time for many Canadians who may be struggling financially due to the COVD-19 pandemic. The goal this year is to help Canadians gain financial confidence and make informed financial decisions relevant to their circumstances by equipping them with practical tips… Read more »

Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of the entire Arbutus Financial team we would like to wish you and your family a safe, happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Each year at Thanksgiving we pause to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives and in particular during this pandemic year extra thanks to our family, friends, and clients for… Read more »

October is Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month

As we’re rounding off 6 months of life during COVID-19, everyone’s stress levels may be back at an all-time high. But the fall can be a great time to re-energize and re-fresh with the changing of the season, and since we spend the majority of our time working (either at home or in the office)… Read more »

Employee Assistance Programs and Financial Wellness

When thinking of an employee benefits program, what comes first to mind? Life insurance, extended health care, dental? However, one group benefit is becoming ever more popular, and important. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and other wellness programs often can be included in an employee benefits package with little to no cost and provide a wealth… Read more »

September is National Life Insurance Month

Like most things related to financial planning, life insurance can seem complicated and overwhelming at first. However, much like death and taxes, buying life insurance is a part of life and a crucial element of comprehensive financial planning. Here, we’ve broken it down for you. Always seek help from the professional that you trust at… Read more »

New way to get your Manulife Securities statements online

We have some additional information for you from Manulife regarding their new online access. You may have already received an email from them. Please contact any AFS team member if you have any questions or need help with the new process. Sign up before electronic delivery or your documents on Client Access ends. The online… Read more »

Mental Health Week

May 4th-10th marks Mental Health Week’s annual push to raise mental health awareness Canada wide. With the Canadian workforce currently mobilized mostly from home, mental health professionals have been adapting quickly, but it is equally important as employers to prioritize employee mental health needs. Mental Health disorders cost the global economy hundreds of billions of… Read more »

Capital Markets Update -Philip Petursson, Manulife Investments

During these unique economic times, the importance of discussing not only challenges, but new opportunities arises. We wanted to share a presentation by Chief Investment Strategist Philip Petursson of Manulife Investments, who was able to share some time on April 13th in an exclusive session with Arbutus Financial. Please see the meeting summary below. Capital… Read more »