Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: AFS News

Online Support Options for the Young and Young at Heart

With the reality of COVID-19 causing the vast majority of us to stay home, and you have already watched everything on Netflix, you may find this list of resources helpful. Online Resources May we also remind you not to constantly be addicted to the “breaking news”. Turning off phones, PCs and unplugging is important for… Read more »

Covid-19 Support Programs for Individuals

March 20, 2020 If you are like most of us, it’s a bit challenging to figure out what the Government is offering and how it applies to you specifically. There is still much more information to come from the Government to assist with understanding how these programs will work and the timing of when financial… Read more »

Covid-19 Support Programs for Businesses

March 19, 2020 If you are like most of us, it’s a bit challenging to figure out what the Government is offering and how it applies to you and your business specifically. There is still much more information to come from the Government to assist with understanding how these programs will work and the timing… Read more »

Economic Implications of Covid-19 Virus

In recent weeks, news about Covid-19 has dominated headlines and has become even more prominent in the last week as the virus continues to spread. But there is something that has been spreading even more quickly; fear. This includes fear about the economies that have been affected by the coronavirus. The fact is uncertainty breeds… Read more »

Make a Will Week

It was Make a Will week in British Columbia April 7th-13th and at Arbutus Financial we want to encourage and support you in doing so. This is a very important aspect of planning and managing your financial affairs. Click on the following link to learn more about Will planning. There are some great resources listed… Read more »

BC Budget At A Glance

Recently, the BC government announced their latest budget. The following is a good overview of the key areas that impact our fellow British Columbians.  We welcome any feedback and discussion on how the budget will affect your family. (For our clients outside of British Columbia, we appreciate your indulgence on this topic) __________________________________________________________________________________ Budget at… Read more »

Recent Market Volatility

After a period of relative calm in the markets, recently the increase in volatility in the stock market has resulted in renewed anxiety for many investors.

How to Help Your Kids Achieve Financial Independence

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” – Chinese proverb The same principle applies with your kids and money. By teaching your kids how to manage their money, you’re preparing them to be self-sufficient when it comes to… Read more »

Improving Fairness in the Tax System by Closing Loopholes and Addressing Tax Planning Strategies

On July 18, 2017, the federal Liberal government released a consultation paper on proposed tax measures designed to close tax advantages used by certain high-income Canadians. This consultation paper follows their commitment in the March 2017 federal budget “to crack down on tax avoidance and evasion.” Specifically, the proposed measures are targeted at high-income Canadians… Read more »

Charitable Giving Series: Part 3

Michael and Linda, 61 and 57, are empty nesters approaching retirement. Michael is a successful entrepreneur who will be finalizing the sale of his business later this year for cash. Linda is a VP at a company she has worked at for 20 years, since its startup days, and she owns shares in the company… Read more »