Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: Business Services

The Importance Of Disability Income Protection

The income we earn is a cornerstone for our personal financial well being. Our earnings go to lifestyle expenses such as family, rent/ mortgage, food, gas, etc. If, due to an accident or sickness, one of your employees was unable to work how would they manage? Access short-term savings? Borrow from family or friends? As… Read more »

Mental Health In The Workplace

In our fast paced work environment, for many of us it increasingly feels like we can get overwhelmed from time to time. Resilience and coping skills are essential for work/life balance. We all need to learn how to take it “one day at a time” and to put things in perspective and pay attention to… Read more »

Recent Changes In Employment Law

Many of our business clients find they spend a substantial amount of time managing the Human Resources side of their enterprise. Across Canada, there have been a number of changes to employment law recently. The following article is a very interesting overview of some of these changes in various Provinces and what employers need to… Read more »

Will BC Workplaces Go To Pot?

This article has been provided by Cissy Pau, Clear HR Consulting Practical Tips for BC Employers Now That Marijuana Is Legalized in Canada As of October 17, 2018, marijuana is now legalized in Canada. Whether you support this move or are strictly anti-cannabis, it’s now time for you, as an employer, to make sure your… Read more »

BC Government Proposed Amendments to Employment Standards Act

On April 9, 2018, the Minister of Labour announced proposed changes to B.C. employment law that would provide mothers more time off work before and after giving birth, as well as giving parents more leave if they are suffering from the death or disappearance of a child. The proposed amendments include: Pregnancy leave: Allowing mothers to… Read more »

Improving Fairness in the Tax System by Closing Loopholes and Addressing Tax Planning Strategies

On July 18, 2017, the federal Liberal government released a consultation paper on proposed tax measures designed to close tax advantages used by certain high-income Canadians. This consultation paper follows their commitment in the March 2017 federal budget “to crack down on tax avoidance and evasion.” Specifically, the proposed measures are targeted at high-income Canadians… Read more »

Health and Wellness in the Workplace

According to the 2017 SANOFI Canada healthcare survey, only 51% of employers offer wellness programs and just 31% plan to invest more in health and wellness. However, employees in work environments that encourage health and wellness are more satisfied, more positive about their benefits and even more willing to help control costs. Wellness programs include… Read more »

No Tax Status Change for Employee Health and Dental Plans

The Federal Government was looking at the taxation of health and dental plans as part of their Spring 2017 budget.  In a review, it was estimated health and dental plans as a source of tax reform could raise as much as $2.9 billion.   With the proposed changes, employers or employees would pay tax on their… Read more »

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

As demands at work increase, employees often increase hours to keep up with workflow.  The age-old adage “the early bird gets the worm” may not have as much applicability today as it once did, or at least not at the cost of charging up one’s energy levels… In this fascinating article from the Harvard Business Review, Tony Schwartz and Catherine… Read more »