Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: Financial Literacy

What the kids are saying these days…

Gen Z finance terms, explained: from loud budgeting to doom spending and girl math. It’s all Greek to me… terms like doom spending, soft savings and girl math have been introduced by Gen Zs. Here’s what they mean. In recent years, the economy has experienced major challenges, from job losses and economic contradiction during the… Read more »

Do you know your money personality type?

February is Psychology month in Canada. It is celebrated every February to highlight the contributions of Canadian psychologists and to show Canadians how psychology works to help – people live healthy and happy lives, communities flourish, employers create better workplaces, and governments develop effective policies. In honor of psychology month – let’s dive into different… Read more »

It’s Financial Literacy Month

For the Government of Canada’s Financial Literacy Month, this year’s campaign theme, Managing Your Money in a Changing World, considers our increasingly complex and constantly changing financial marketplace and the importance of checking up on your financial health, particularly as it relates to managing and paying down debt. More Canadians are carrying large debt burdens, which… Read more »

Here’s our Spring roundup: what we’re reading this month

Market volatility, investments and taxes Why do I have a tax bill for my investment even when the value has dropped? During times of volatility, it’s natural for investors to worry that their investments will lose value – in fact they may even expect a decline at times. What’s unexpected, however, is getting a tax… Read more »

Not sure where to invest?

TFSA vs RRSP: which should I contribute to? With a tax-free savings account (TFSA) available for saving in a tax-free environment, does it still make sense to contribute to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)? Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) – The TFSA program began in 2009. It is a way for individuals age 18 or… Read more »

November is Financial Literacy Month

During the month of November, financial services organizations throughout Canada participate in Financial Literacy Month. Advocis, the Financial Advisors Association of Canada, has created this website to help Canadians and their families achieve their financial goals. 5 Financial Indicators Every Entrepreneur Should Monitor Proper financial management is crucial because it allows you to make timely,… Read more »

How much do you know about Fraud Prevention?

Every year, thousands of Canadians fall victim to fraud. Most people don’t think it could happen to them, but fraudsters increasingly use sophisticated methods to target people from all walks of life. More and more of these schemes are being attributed to organized crime. The impact on individuals, families and businesses is devastating – retirement… Read more »

Week 4 is Life Events Basics

Financial Literacy Month is almost over! As we enter the last week of the month, here is the last back to basics topic for you. We hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as we have! Week four is Life Events Basics: Financial literacy hits close to home when major life events are involved. Explore the… Read more »

Week 3 is Planning Basics

It’s Financial Literacy Month! All month long we will be updating you with different topics to focus on, all on getting back to basics. Advocis has a wealth of information on each topic that we hope you’ll enjoy! Week three is Planning Basics: Lay the groundwork for smart financial planning with insights into topics like… Read more »

Week 2 is Buying Basics

It’s Financial Literacy Month! All month long we will be updating you with different topics to focus on, all on getting back to basics. Advocis has a wealth of information on each topic that we hope you’ll enjoy! Week two is Buying Basics: A wide variety of information on how to make smarter purchases –… Read more »