Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: Individual Services


Getting sick can be expensive. Really expensive. The likelihood of being afflicted with a serious illness is high. Medical expenses can be high also. Recovery can take a long time and this can be very challenging for you and your family. Did you know about one in six bankruptcies are health related? Critical Illness insurance… Read more »

Helping Charities Thrive Through Mythbusting!

Ready to start making philanthropy a part of your financial plan? What better way to express gratitude for the great efforts of your favorite charities than by making a donation. The decision on how much and which charities to donate to can be a difficult one. Continue reading to learn more about one of six common… Read more »

Financial Literacy Month – November 2019

November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada and the theme for this year is “Take Charge of your Finances”. The topics highlighted this month are Start with a Budget, Set Financial Goals, Be a Smart Financial Consumer and Borrow Money Wisely. Each of these important topics will help set you up for financial success and… Read more »

2019 Canadian Debt Survey

Debt – it used to be a nasty word. Today it is certainly more commonplace. In fact, we Canadians have been embracing debt. Refinancing our homes, lines of credit, car loans, credit cards etc. etc. At Arbutus Financial, we believe debt, when used wisely, can be very useful in one’s financial plan. However, it can… Read more »

After Graduation Planning

At Arbutus Financial we are proud of the support we have provided to many families in helping our client’s children and grandchildren save and attend post-secondary education. What happens after graduation and how to establish good money habits is the focus of the video below. We have also included a link for a useful budgeting… Read more »

Tax Planning For U.S. Citizens Living In Canada

A number of our clients carry U.S. citizenship and live in Canada.  This results in greater complexity regarding both U.S. and Canadian tax planning.  They are very aware of the growing complexity (and likely their growing frustration also). Read on to learn about five common traps for U.S. citizens living in Canada… U.S. citizens living… Read more »

Make a Will Week

It was Make a Will week in British Columbia April 7th-13th and at Arbutus Financial we want to encourage and support you in doing so. This is a very important aspect of planning and managing your financial affairs. Click on the following link to learn more about Will planning. There are some great resources listed… Read more »

BC Budget At A Glance

Recently, the BC government announced their latest budget. The following is a good overview of the key areas that impact our fellow British Columbians.  We welcome any feedback and discussion on how the budget will affect your family. (For our clients outside of British Columbia, we appreciate your indulgence on this topic) __________________________________________________________________________________ Budget at… Read more »

Canada Pension Plan Enhancement

Starting in 2019, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will be gradually enhanced. This means you will receive higher benefits in exchange for making higher contributions. The CPP enhancement will only affect you if, as of 2019, you work and make contributions to the CPP. Please click here to read more. If you’d like to discuss this topic… Read more »