Peace of mind through financial confidence

AFS Insights: Individual Services

Teaching Children About Money

Speaking with your children on the importance of managing money seems to be a topic the majority of parents bypass.  Many parents will either push away the financial conversation or just neglect to have it at all.  The fact is starting the conversation at a young age and continuing it during different stages of your… Read more »

Celebrating Financial Literacy Month – Part 3 of 3

Earlier this month, we shared some links to our favourite articles explaining basic financial concepts  and gave you some tools to help you better understand and manage your personal finances. To wrap it all up, we want to  share some of our favourite personal finance websites for you to explore: Practical Money Skills Get Smarter… Read more »

Celebrating Financial Literacy Month – Part 2 of 3

Last week, we shared some of our favourite articles explaining basic financial concepts. This week, we have a few tools for you to use to help you better understand and manage your personal finances: Worksheets to Hone Your Money Management Skills A Variety of Helpful Tools and Calculators Guides to Common Financial Questions Tools and… Read more »

Celebrating Financial Literacy Month – Part 1 of 3

November is Financial Literacy Month, an initiative hosted by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada to empower Canadians to achieve their financial goals through better education and understanding of financial concepts. To help you get started, we wanted to share these four articles which do a great job of explaining some basic financial concepts all… Read more »

Two Tips in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Every day we read stories in the media about the impact of low interest rates on Canadians.  It doesn’t appear rates will be rising any time soon.  So, what should we do?  Many of our clients are wondering how low rates will affect them over the short- and long-term.  Following are a couple of key… Read more »

Fees, Options & Services

It seems over the past year there have been a tremendous number of articles written about the high cost of advisor charges, commissions, trailer fees and the lack of transparency for clients to understand what they receive for them.  In the case of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), a number of changes have been implemented… Read more »

Planning for Your Children’s Education

At the start of a new school year, there are plenty of things to keep parents with young children busy (even busier than usual!).  Shopping for school supplies, establishing new routines, and managing those first few anxious weeks as your children adjust to new teachers and new classmates can be exhausting.  But each September you get… Read more »

New Canada Child Benefit Program

Starting this week, the majority of Canadian families with children under 18 will begin receiving tax-free Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payments. Click here to learn more about this new program.

How Can We Help?

Pre-retirement, retirement, mid-career or early career – what stage are you at? Just like spring cleaning, is it time to dust off the cobwebs on your financial plan and have a review? In theory, planning sounds like a great idea.  We all want to feel like we are in control and on track to achieve… Read more »